This mat is great for lining seed trays and for use with the Surface-Blumat. The way to set it up is to line your tray or tub with the capillary mat fabric and put the Surface Blumat on top- and when adjusted correctly, the Blumat will automatically turn your water flow on and off based on the moisture level of the cap mat.
This mat is great for lining seed trays and for use with the Surface-Blumat. The way to set it up is to line your tray or tub with the capillary mat fabric and put the Surface Blumat on top- and when adjusted correctly, the Blumat will automatically turn your water flow on and off based on the moisture level of the cap mat.
Great for making your own custom-sized cap mat, good for lining seed trays and for use with the Surface-Blumat or manually filling up a tray. Use this in the middle, regular plastic under and the perforated black foil on top. To automate, use a Surface-Blumat or Tropf-Blumat in a pot. For larger systems, attach BluSoak to the Blumat.
For plants that need more water or higher humidity than most, this super-thick cap mat hold from 3 to 3.5 liters per square meter. Popular and proven in Europe for over 30 years, this 100% new, high-quality and strong mat has a long life, high capillary action, and will give a wide range of plant types efficient bottom-up irrigation.
Great for making your own custom-sized cap mat, good for lining seed trays and for use with the Surface-Blumat or manually filling up a tray. Use this in the middle, regular plastic under and the perforated black foil on top. To automate, use a Surface-Blumat or Tropf-Blumat in a pot. For larger systems, attach BluSoak to the Blumat.