This is the premier way of keeping your houseplants watered both while on vacation and while you're at home.
This video shows the three water source options for Blumat Watering Systems: gravity, tap or pump.
After trying many ways of setting up Blumats in raised beds, the consensus landed firmly on the Double Manifold system being the best way. This video shows why and how.
Learn about this easy, fast, and water-saving way to automatically irrigate a 4' by 4' raised or in-the-ground bed. No timers, batteries, or electricity required!
This video shows how to set up the Sustainable Village Capillary Mat system- an easy way to water lots of small or large plants with one piece of equipment.
A low cost but automated capillary mat system you can make yourself.
Learn how to install one of our automatic watering Capillary Mat Systems. Watering your plants from the bottom encourages downward root growth and gets seedlings, starts and clones ready for transplanting!
For large systems, we’ve discovered a quick and effective way to set up a large number of Blumat sensors quickly - even thousands at a time. This video shows you how. With this method each sensor will provide an even, consistent moisture level for every container in your growing environment.
This animated video shows you how to install Tropf Blumats for automatic irrigation. It's a quick and easy setup - all you need is scissors!
Want to reduce transplant shock? Izzy shows you some simple techniques that make transplanting incredibly easy with the Grassroot Bottomless Pots. Pair these pots with a capillary mat system and watch your roots go crazy!
These gravity irrigation systems save time and money while producing more vigorous high yielding harvests. Great for grow rooms, small greenhouses, off-grid grows, and rainwater systems. This video shows the unboxing and complete set up for Bumat 12 Sensor Drip Irrigation Kit.
If you already have a conventional drip system and want to upgrade it with Blumats, you can re-use the same supply line and many of the components. Here's how.
Watch Izzy explain how to install a Blumat Gravity Loop System.
Tad Hussey and his company KIS Organics were one of our first customers about 11 years back. They had enough innovative confidence to work with us on expanding Blumat installations from small to commercial systems.
Though it's over 10 years old and very simple, this is still an interesting 31 second video showing the technology at work.
Miklos shows us how to set up and use the Blumat Digital Moisture Meter.
Watch Izzy explain how to assemble and condition an Irrometer - everything from taking it out of the box to installing it in soil.
Izzy explains some tips and tricks for attaching fittings to BluSoak 2.0. These will ensure that your fittings are tight, secure, and leak-proof.
Need an easy way to quickly check pressure in different parts of your irrigation system? Michael shows how to install a Schrader valve in PVC. Once installed you can use a Quick Connect Pressure Gauge to measure pressures throughout your irrigation system.
Detailed instructions on how to assemble a Grassroots Raised Bed.
Michael explains how to set up our standard High Flow Pump Kit.
Learn how to assemble and install our High Flow Pump Kit with Perma-Loc fittings.
We've learned a lot since making this video 6+ years ago, and there's still some good, relevant, helpful information here.
Our newer information and videos have more of a large-scale, commercial focus. This one still has good information for setting up small systems.
Another "legacy" video. The Cap-Dialing method works much better for large systems and often even for small systems like this.