Plastic Pipette 7ml
Description Blumat set-up instructions work fine but getting the tiny air bubbles out of the cap lets you really fine tune the setting and makes the Blumat more responsive. This Pipette makes it very easy to do that. After soaking and under water, use it to squirt water into the underside of the cap- where you see the 3 white ovals. It's not a big deal and not necessary but we think this will make the Blumats respond a little more quickly to dry and wet conditions. You can also use this to add Drip Clean and/or concentrated H2O2 to your res as well as any kind of concentrated nutrient or additive. There are many, many ways to use these
Blumat Bottle Cap Adapter
Description Easily convert a used plastic bottle to a Blumat supply source. This works really well for hanging plants - both inside and outside. Just attach the plastic bottle to the hanger and put the Blumat in the soil. You can cut the bottom off the plastic bottle (you can use these cut off bottoms to make plant holders that keep wooden shelves from getting rings) and fill them from the top. If you prefer to keep the bottle intact, the water will last longer and you don't have to worry about insects getting in it but it's harder to fill. If you use the auto-stop version of this bottle cap though (IG15525), you can more easily move the bottle to fill and put back without spilling the water all over. This uses the thread type common on most one liter plastic bottles - not the same as 3/4" hose thread.
Sustainable Village Sticker
Description3" x 3" Vinyl Sticker
Super Quiet Fan - Improve Air circulation, Move Heat or Cold Air Throughout Home
Description Evenly distribute the heat in your home by mounting this extremely quiet fan securely in a doorway, and push trapped warm air into an adjoining room. This is a great option for eliminating any “hot spots” near stoves and ceilings. Improve air circulation and heat up your home quickly. This 4 11/16" x 4 11/16", 50 CFM fan works great with passive solar heating systems and air conditioning systems as well. It has a 12 ft. power cord with an in-line switch. Hookup is a breeze with no wiring required. Measures 4 1/2" x 4 1/2". Finish is black with a chrome guard and it has a sound rating of 39 Db. *This fan has tested 3 times quieter than other comparable 50 CFM fans. This fan can also be used for moving cooler air throughout the home during the warm summer season. The Super Quiet® Fan moves an impressive 50 cubic feet of air per minute.
Razor Saver
Description SAVE MONEY- Whether using razors for men or razors for women, quickly recover your investment! USER FRIENDLY AND SIMPLE- Just draw your razor over the surface under water 10-15 times! ALWAYS A SMOOTH SHAVE- decrease scratching and cuts while you beautify or manscape NEARLY UNIVERSAL- Works with almost all razors, except for those with extra wide handles/necks REDUCE WASTE- Save money and alleviate environmental damage by reducing razor waste! The RazorSaver is so simple to use, and the savings on your disposable razors are immediate. You'll be wishing you purchased one years ago! While it is not technically a sharpening stone or a whetsone for razors, it functions more as a honing steel- this will keep already-sharp blades sharp. Reduce your disposable razor use by 75% by getting up to 50 shaves and beyond per razor! This disposable razor sharpener beats out competitors like the blade buddy and other razor sharpeners. The razor saver will have straight razor enthusiasts wishing they had switched over to disposables. The razor saver is safer to use than straight razors and straight razor sharpener(s). This item is best for keeping new blades in good condition, as opposed to revitalizing old ones- so do not expect miracles on old and dull blades! You should use this sharpener after each shave on newer blades to extend their lifespan and maintain a high-quality shave. The opportunities to save money and reduce one's impact on the environment rarely present themselves in the same package. This is a no-brainer decision that you'll be wondering why you didn't make it so many more years ago! Don't confuse this with whetstone(s) for razors. This won't make your old razor like new. One of our best products- everyone should have at least one of these! They give you the best, most comfortable shave and you save lots of money while protecting the environment. In the USA alone, we throw away over 2 billion razor blades every year as well as over 2 million pounds of plastic handles. A Razor Saver will give you up to 130 shaves from just one razor blade. It resharpens in just a few seconds! Normal razors only give you 5-10 uses. Although common and simple, a razor blade represents some remarkable technology. Days of a strap and straight razor are not that far in the past. It's a shame to have to throw them away so quickly. In fact, they're only disposable because you can't resharpen them. But now you can! Just insert a razor head and draw the old blade across the Razor Saver - it will be like new. Get 75-130 or more shaves from any regular or disposable razor blade, men's or women's, single, double, or triple. Made from recycled plastic, the disposable razors you threw away could now be a Razor Saver! Please call or email if you are interested in buying this product in volume with a wholesale discount. Dimensions: 5 3/4" L x 2 1/4" W Use 75% fewer razors each year with our Razor Saver!
Blumat Red/Green/Gold Hat
Description Blumat Red/Green/Gold Hat
BluSoak Bubbler Compost Tea Kit
Description Just add water and your favorite compost tea mix. This kit includes a high quality, FDA-approved 5 gallon bucket (HDPE) drilled and adapted to make teas. It uses our BluSoak tubing with thousands of holes so it won't easily clog up like air stones and other methods of getting the air into the water. Compost teas increase the microbial life in your soil or planting mix, add easy-to-absorb nutrients, and feed the beneficial microbes as well as the plants themselves. Instead of being destroyed by chemical fertilizers, pesticides, fumigants, and herbicides; your soil's micro-organisms will thrive and proliferate!
BluSoak Bubbler Compost Tea Kit - No Reservoir
Description A DIY Compost Tea makerJust get a 5 gallon bucket, drill two 1/2" holes, and use these parts to quickly make your own compost tea maker. Compost teas increase the microbial life in your soil or planting mix, add easy-to-absorb nutrients, and feed the beneficial microbes as well as the plants themselves. Instead of being destroyed by chemical fertilizers, pesticides, fumigants, and herbicides; your soil's micro-organisms will thrive and proliferate! This kit uses our BluSoak tubing with thousands of holes so it won’t easily clog up like air stones.Not that mechanically inclined or too busy to make your own? Just order our $68 put-together kit, FE17019.
Sustainable Village Iron On Patch
Description2.5" x 2.5" Iron On Patch
Blumat Bathtub Garden
Description Our "Bathtub Garden" combines the watering power of Tropf Blumats and a big water container that can last more than just a couple weeks. Just unscrew the showerhead and attach the system for a simple irrigation system that could keep your plants alive for years that includes all the Blumat advantages like keeping your plants at the optimum moisture level. This kit includes a Blumat pressure reducer, a 3/4" MPT x 3/4“ MHT / 1/2" FPT Fitting, 3 Blumat Sensors, 10' of 8mm SuperFlex - everything you'll need except pots and plants. Components This Kit Includes: 3/4" MPT x 3/4“ MHT / 1/2" FPT Fitting (IG15620) 3 Blumat Sensors (IG14607) 10' of 8mm SuperFlex (IG16694)
Garden Store Blumat Classic Display
Display Blumats with the elegant light-weight rack.
Garden Store Blumat "Easy" Display
Display Blumats with the elegant light-weight rack.