Backyard Garden Kits
Backyard Irrigation Kit
Description A simple and elegant way to water your outdoor potted plants and raised garden beds, this kit supplies everything you need except for the water. Just put the 5 gallon bucket near where you want the irrigation, attach the XL Blumat Classic watering stakes, and insert them into the potting mix or soil. The Blumats wick moisture as the plants deplete it, irrigate on the plants schedule instead of an arbitrary timer, and saves precious water. To increase or decrease the moisture content in your containers, just raise or lower the bucket. UN secretary general, António Guterres, says "we've passed the era of global warming" and “the era of global boiling has arrived." According to new scientific studies, less moisture in the soil leads to more severe heat waves while more soil moisture lowers air temperature. We designed this kit as a simple and inexpensive way almost everyone can help. You can let it fill up from rain, from a hose, or normally-wasted water like the water from a sink, shower, or bath that goes down the drain while we wait for it to get hot (just put a watering can or container under the faucet). Download installation instructions here.
Backyard Irrigation Starter Kit
Description We designed this watering kit for backyard gardeners without much time, without a green thumb, and without a lot of extra dollars to spend. Much more simple and easy to install than a typical drip system, it can still provide much more consistent and reliable irrigation. Another unique advantage over normal drip systems is that this one doesn’t require pressure – instead, it siphons. This makes it ideal for rainwater collection systems as well as for watering plants or trees far removed from water lines. This base kit is adaptable and expandable in many different ways. It includes a bulkhead fitting you can use to attach to almost any water container. You can also order a 5-gallon one from us and also add on a rain collection screen. You can add more of either the small or large Classics, a filter screen, a water level indicator, or more supply line. You could also add a pressure reducer and float valve to make this into an automatically instead of manually filled system. Almost all drip kits for backyard gardening require timers, water pressure, and pressure reducers. You have to guess how much water the plants need; and, as the season progresses, the plants get bigger and the temperature gets warmer, your guesses mismatch more and more. The plants cycle between drowning and drying out too much. This kit solves those problems. With a much lower learning curve, it automatically waters your plants without needing electricity, a timer, or even water pressure. Less expensive and easier to install, much less can go wrong. The ollas-inspired cones provide more water when the soil dries, less when it has lots of water.
Gravity Irrigation Kit Deluxe
This deluxe version of our Gravity Irrigation Kit ads 6 more XL Classics, a 12" rain screen for the top, an interior filter, and adapters for a total of 12 as well as a water level indicator that shows how much water is in your reservoir. You can fill these with rainwater, the water that would normally go down the drain while you're waiting for it to get hot, from a pond, from a garden hose, or any good source. We designed this for a kind of simplicity that can make it extremely easy for people without much time, money, or mechanical skills. It's simple, complete, easy to set up, and inexpensive; but also, creates an easy way almost anyone can help keep more moisture in the ground, lower ambient air temperatures, prevent erosion, and keep the soil and plants more healthy. This represents only a small step in solving these environmental problems but it has solid benefits as well as providing a base learning curve for setting up larger systems in the future.