Rainwater Irrigation
If you only do one thing... collect rainwater...
—Bill Mollison, "Father of Permaculture"
The importance, the need, for both residential and commercial rainwater collection systems becomes more and more critical with every news article about water shortages; with every video of forest fires, of floods, of erosion, of droughts breaking all-time records.
See MoreCollecting rainwater can prove as easy as putting a container outside when it's raining. Even the non mechanically inclined can position a bucket or a fifty five gallon drum under a rain spout; however efficiently using and moving that water around presents a bigger challenge. Because we design regular irrigation systems, we can help
Rainwater Irrigation Kit

More Benefits and Applications

Flood Prevention
Collecting rainwater helps prevent flooding. The water goes into a reservoir rather your basement. Collecting helps, at least a little, in preventing the ground around your house from becoming oversaturated. Our rainwater irrigation systems automatically reroute excessive rain into a french drain, a normal urban drainage system, or into a garden.
For Trees
Subsurface Irrigation
Our subsurface irrigation systems can create the most efficient ways of using rainwater. They lower costs, use the least amount of water necessary, dramatically extend the component life. Our subsurface irrigation systems help crops become stronger, drought tolerant, and productive.
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Rainwater Zone Irrigation
By using different bulkhead fittings at different heights on your rain collection reservoir you can use the lowest one for the plants that need the most water and the higher ones for those that need less. This easily matches with the common firescaping strategy of keeping the plants closest to your house the most green and fire-resistant. We like to use an 8 mm bulkhead and Blumats for the zone 1 plants, a ½" bulkhead and BluSoak for a larger area in zone 2, and a ¾" or larger bulkhead for zone 3, for trees, and for moving excess water away from your home for flood control.